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Business Chicks Presents: Grace Tame Melbourne


Wednesday 28 April 2021, 8am – 10am AEST


Premium member $149 | Non-member $189 | Table $1,490

You might have seen her name in the news. You might have seen video snippets of her splashed across social media. Maybe it was the speech she delivered at the Women’s Rally in March. Or the words she spoke to the National Press Club a few weeks earlier, leaving the audience standing in ovation.

In recent months, she’s been called a ‘figurehead of change,’ a ‘champion for survivors’ and ‘a courageous leader’. But the truth is that for a long time, Grace Tame didn’t have a voice. An archaic law prevented Grace from telling her story of sexual abuse – despite the fact that her abuser was free to tell his – and for almost a decade, the name ‘Grace Tame’ was one the media wasn’t allowed to mention.

Grace spent months campaigning with the #LetHerSpeak campaign and in 2019, she finally won the court order to speak out under her own name. Earlier this year, at just 26 years old, Grace was named Australian of the Year. Today, Grace has that voice she so desperately fought for and she’s using it to raise awareness of the impacts of child sexual abuse, and to campaign for better education and prevention.

She is a voice Australia desperately needs right now and we couldn’t be more proud that she’s our next speaker. We hope you’ll rally your friends, your colleagues and importantly – the men in your life – and join us at this very special in-person event to help us to raise Grace’s voice and spread her message even further.

CONTENT WARNING: Please be aware that this presentation discusses sexual abuse and trauma which may be distressing for some people. If the content of this event brings up any concerns or distress for people please reach out to the below help services:

PLEASE NOTE: Making this event COVID safe for you all is our number one priority. Because of the current COVID-restrictions, we’re unable to take seating requests like normal. If you’d like to be seated with someone else, you need to purchase your tickets in the same transaction. No seating requests can be taken after bookings are completed or on the day – we know this is tricky, but hope you’ll understand – together we can keep this event safe for everyone.




During this time when we need to be working together and remain connected, Business Chicks wants to assure all members of our community we are taking the utmost care and precautions for our events and gatherings in light of COVID-19.

The Business Chicks team is working extremely closely with our venues, suppliers, contractors and everyone involved with our events to protect the health and wellbeing of our community – you are our top priority. Of course, we will update you if any changes come up.  

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