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Franchisee cheat sheet according to someone in the know — Business Chicks

Thinking of buying a franchise? Or perhaps, you’re already knee-deep in research and need a little push?

Well, we thought we’d catch up with one woman who is kicking some serious butt in the franchise game.

Jodi Cottle and her team at Laser Clinics Australia’s Tweed Heads clinic are great at what they do and have struck the perfect balance of operating within an established brand and making their mark.

We caught up with Jodi and asked her to share her cheat sheet on everything you need to know to kick butt at your own franchise.

With 200 clinics globally, how do you make your mark when working/owning a franchise?

Firstly, the important thing is to make sure your values align with those of the franchisor otherwise you may be set up for failure as misalignment will just mean things are constantly harder than they need to be, which could compound over time.

Secondly, No one else is like you, the mark you make is unique to you alone, so if you are true to those values they will shine through your team and onto the customers. Don’t worry so much about what everyone else is doing (aside from relevant benchmarking etc), live in your own bubble and concentrate on the inputs (daily tasks, always doing the best by staff and customers, operational excellence, staff progression etc), then the outputs (revenue, customer experience etc) will simply follow.

How much of how you run your business comes from corporate versus your own approach?

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