Oh god, do I have to?
Is that your reaction when asked to go live on socials, guest on a podcast or speak at an event?
And the answer is no.
You absolutely don’t have to.
But you sure as sugar should want to.
Using your VOICE is one of the best ways to grow your business – and it’s largely FREE. Who doesn’t love the ROI on that?!
When you own the voice of your business, then you have a wider reach, create more genuine connections and amplify your impact.
So here are my three top tips to shake the fears and speak up for your business!
1- Say YES
Say yes now and panic later (jokes, no need to panic!). Say yes to that podcast invitation, that request to speak on a panel, that offer to go live on social with another Business Chick.
Firsts are always unfamiliar, yet the more you do it, the more your audience grows and before you know it you won’t just be saying YES to speaking opportunities but seeking them out!
2- Learn to love your voice
I get it, hearing your voice played back can be a little cringe. But if you don’t feel like your voice sounds good, how can you expect your audience to be drawn to it?
Your voice is as unique as your fingerprint, so own your vocal you-ness! It’s like a pet – if you treat it with affection and kindness it will love you back. If you neglect your voice, it will abandon you when you need it most or bite you in the butt!
Two great ways to learn to love your voice include
- Recording yourself often (audio and video) – this will help you form a bond with your voice
- Do a daily voice warm-up – this will help your voice sound attractive and keep it healthy for many years to come. Simple humming is a great place to start.
3- Practise speaking your story
When you hear an amazing business story, chances are, it’s not the first time that founder has shared that story. Stories need to be crafted, practised and refined by speaking out loud to have maximum impact.
Create a story journal, where you jot down key moments in your business journey and the corresponding lesson or point of the story. Then talk these aloud at any chance – from in the shower to brunch with the girls – so when it’s crunch time on a panel or podcast you have compelling stories to share.
If you’d like help with anything mentioned in this article and are inspired to amplify your impact through the power of your voice, you can apply now for my Speak Up for Your Business 16-week container to make your profile pop and your business boom!
Sally Prosser is a holistic voice and public speaking coach with a background in TV news reporting and PR – acting as spokesperson for one of Australia’s largest water companies. She works with top journalists and broadcasters, as well as executives and business owners. Sally holds degrees in journalism and law from Wollongong University, as well as a teaching diploma in Speech & Drama. She’s an NLP and Hypnosis Practitioner and Certified Dharma (soul’s purpose) Coach. In 2020 she was named Young Entrepreneur of the Year for PR & Media in Queensland and has a TikTok following of more than 350K. You can connect with Sally on Instagram at @sallyprosservoice