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How to Clean Out Your Closet in the New Year

How to Clean Out Your Closet in the New Year

How is it that our closets are overflowing with clothes, but we can NEVER find something to wear? Cluttering your closet with too many items can actually make finding outfits harder. With the new year here, it is time to declutter and complete a closet clean out that will lead to a more minimalist, and happier lifestyle. And, we are here to help!

Here are some tips & tricks on how to clean out your closet:

  1. Create Three Piles: yes, no, and maybe. This can help you easily separate what you’re ready to get rid of immediately and what you absolutely need to keep. The “maybe” pile will take an extra step. After creating your maybe pile, take the items and try to create 5 outfits with each item. If you can’t create 5 outfits and you aren’t in love with the piece, then it is time to say goodbye to it!
  2. Think of your wardrobe as a functional wardrobe. Do you really need to have 10 pairs of blue jeans and 10 pairs of black jeans? This is the part where you get your closet down to the basics by creating a capsule wardrobe made up of staples that you can pair with anything. Here are some of the basics we recommend. Find a couple you love and get rid of the rest.  
    • Denim in your shades of choice
    • Two pairs of neutral trousers or professional pants
    • A few basic tees and tanks that fit you perfectly
    • Your favorite neutral turtleneck
    • A pair of denim shorts
    • A couple neutral skirts, one long and one short

That’s really all you need! From here you can use clothing rental to add spice into your wardrobe, be free to experiment with bold colors and trendy silhouettes, and stay committed to your care-free, simplified life (at least where your closet is concerned!). Check out some of our favorite adventurous pieces available to rent with an Armoire membership. 

  1. Let go of the pieces that don’t fit you properly. I know we all hold onto the pieces that we hope will one day fit again, but it is time to let go. You deserve to feel confident and comfortable in every piece of clothing you own. If something in your closet doesn’t fit that criteria, it’s time to say so long. 
  2. Trends come and go, so don’t let them hold a permanent place in your wardrobe. Clothing rental is a great way to enjoy trends and fads without letting them clutter your wardrobe. Not only does this allow you to keep your closet minimal, but it allows you to try new pieces that are in one season and out the next. Having a tiny wardrobe allows you to have more space, less clutter, efficiency, and freedom to explore new styles. Learn more about a capsule wardrobe here
  3. Hang up your clothes the wrong way! When you hang up your clothes, face the hanger the opposite way. This will truly show you what pieces of clothing you aren’t wearing and what is taking up space in your wardrobe. After a few months or so, if you don’t grab those pieces, then you can feel confident about getting rid of those pieces. More often than not, we hold onto pieces that we think are staples when in reality, we just don’t reach for them.

Looking for a way to keep your closet decluttered and full of only things you wear all the time? Try out clothing rental! Clothing rental is a great way to experience new styles without cluttering your wardrobe. This creates space in your closet and gives you the freedom to expand your wardrobe and style (without the commitment of purchasing new clothing). Rental can give you the opportunity to explore and adapt to new styles, save money, and be kinder to the planet all at once. 

Ready to curate your own capsule wardrobe? Take our 3-minute style quiz to get started!


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