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In Conversation with Luvvie Ajayi Jones and Emma Isaacs

In Conversation with Luvvie Ajayi Jones and Emma Isaacs


Friday 9 April 9:00am – 10:00am AEST (And available for four weeks after for ticket holders)


Free for Premium members | Free for Masterclass Pass holders | $24.95 non-members

Event Type

In Conversation

Our live events are recorded and available for four weeks, so if you can’t make it live, register anyway we’ll sent you the video later.

Fearlessness is a myth: we all feel afraid at times. We might be scared to have a tough conversation, be vulnerable or ask for what we want. We might have fear around our job, our business, our family, walking away from things and people that no longer serve us, setting boundaries; sometimes even getting up to go to work on a Monday morning. None of us is immune to fear, and the people who seem brazen and brave aren’t fearless at all. They just charge forward in spite of their fear.

Luvvie Ajayi Jones is one of those people. The New York Times best-selling author, podcast host and fan of Oprah’s has garnered over five million views for her TED Talk ‘Get comfortable with being uncomfortable’ (if you haven’t watched it, and have a spare 10 minutes, it’s a must-view).

To celebrate her new book, Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual – which has received rave reviews from people like Glennon Doyle and Liz Gilbert – Luvvie will be speaking to Emma Isaacs about how she pushed past her own fears to make ‘good trouble’: to yell in a world that wanted her to whisper; to speak her truth, battle doubts, take leaps of faith and stand up against injustice. She’ll also teach you how to live a more colourful, courageous life and give the middle finger to fear.

This conversation with Emma and Luvvie is guaranteed to be as galvanizing as it is entertaining – and it’s also free for Premium members (wahey!).



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