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‘Learn to build and scale an online business’ with Olivia Jenkins

Build and scale your online business!

Olivia Jenkins is one of Australia’s leading eComm experts.  Known as the CEO’s Wing Woman, she has worked with national & global brands in the health, beauty, fashion and lifestyle space such as VANI-T, Swisse & Kosmea.

No stranger to the media, Olivia has appeared in Forbes Australia, 7 News, Kochie’s Business Builders, Inside Small Business, Retail Beauty,  Vogue, and more. She is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to the e-commerce space. Olivia has helped consulting clients generate in excess of $50m in sales revenue since mid-2019 using her signature combination of advisory and implementation. She has over 15 years experience in corporate, working with global health & beauty brands – and has since worked with over 100+ CEOs in the health, beauty, fashion and lifestyle industry to become cult brands. Learn the secrets to cultivating your CEO mindset and a laser sharp strategy to match!

In this masterclass you’ll learn:

  • Learn how to build and scale a successful online business
  • Understand the power of integration and how integrated marketing communications can drive sales
  • The key lessons from successful CEO’s on building a cult online brand

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