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Off the Record with Emma Isaacs

The last time our founder Emma Isaacs launched a book into the world, we made it our mission to make it a big f**king deal. You see, Em’s always the one celebrating us and for once, we wanted to be the ones celebrating her.

We’re a little sad that we can’t get her to the country to make the same kind of fuss when her new book The New Hustle is launched next week (pre-order it here), but we still want to make a big deal (a REALLY big deal) – even through our screens. And we’re hoping you can help us?

Next week, on August 31, we’re going to gather on good ol’ Zoom and we’d love for you to join us. Hosted by our dear friend Kemi Nekvapil, we’re going to shower Em with some love and ask the questions that really dive into the process of book writing and what her secrets are for turning out a bestseller.

This one is free for everyone as we reckon we can’t get enough joy right now and that’s something Em brings everywhere she goes.

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