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Three steps to landing your dream job

Three steps to landing your dream job

Job hunting can be tiring, frustrating and full of rejection, but it doesn’t have to be. The Bureau of Labour Statistics says that the average person will spend four years in the same job before moving onto their next. This means there’s a good chance you’re reading this and considering jumping into the job market.

The good news is there’s a method to the madness which makes up the world of endless resumes, interviews, and applications. In our recent Masterclass Online presented by our pals at SEEK, we chatted to two experts, Kirsty Ferguson, Founder of Pinstripe Solutions, and Alison Shamir, confidence and imposter syndrome coach, about the steps to take to control your confidence and career and land your dream job.

Kirsty Ferguson knows preparation is the first step in landing your dream role. “Preparation is paramount to confidence and controlling how you are perceived,” she said.

We are often so involved in the emotions and challenges of job hunting that we forget the positive impact good preparation can have. Our expert’s tips for preparation included:

  • Research your employer and create a fast fact sheet to submit with your resume, including identified gaps and your favourite parts of the organisation.
  • Include case studies in your resume. This identifies how you work and can provide valuable insights for an employer.
  • Be aware of how you are perceived and ask others for constructive feedback to work on necessary areas of concern.

Another important element to landing your dream job is investing in continual learning. Continual learning is about staying relevant and being able to pivot as the world changes. “Be open minded to learning,” said Kirsty.

Alison agreed, “keep your finger on the pulse always and stay active in your pursuit of knowledge.”

Our expert’s tips for continual learning included:

  • Seek out a “champion” or mentor to learn from.
  • Continue to absorb information and complete research into areas which are relevant or of interest to you.
  • Be involved in new and developing areas within your industry.

The third element of acing the job hunt is focusing on your self-knowledge and self-talk. “Your self-talk determines how you perceive yourself and how you come across to others,” says Kirsty.

“Often as women our fear of what others think of us holds us back, it’s important we put time into building up our confidence,” reaffirmed Alison.

Our expert’s tips for managing your self-talk included:

  • Write out your personal and professional values, abide by this list of who you are and remind yourself when necessary.
  • Remind yourself that every time you fail, you learn. Take the lesson and move on to the next opportunity.
  • Be aware of the skills you bring to the world and be proud of the contribution you can make.


Hold up! Before you apply for that dream role, here are the 8 things to cut from your cover letter.

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