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What it means to be an effective leader today  — Business Chicks

What it means to be an effective leader today  — Business Chicks

A good leader knows when it’s time to ask for help and delegate work

Delegating work is a sign of confidence, not weakness. A good leader knows how to delegate effectively and when it’s time to let go of control.

A great leader can admit when they’re wrong and move forward with confidence

Good leaders are not afraid to admit when they’re wrong. They can tell you that an idea didn’t work and why, or that their actions were inappropriate.They also know how to laugh at themselves and accept what happened, instead of living in denial about their mistakes or making excuses for them. In other words, good leaders take responsibility for the things they do or say.

Effective leaders are humble, accountable and confident, which makes them authentic leaders whom people trust and respect

When we think of great leaders, what do they have in common? If you said that they’re humble, accountable and confident, then you are right! Effective leaders are open to feedback and willing to learn from their mistakes. They also take responsibility for their actions and the actions of their team.So, we’ve shared what we think the qualities of an effective leader are, now let’s dive even deeper and look at what UQ Business School’s Dr Adam has to say about taking leadership to the next level.

Leadership and Psychological Safety in the workplace

Dr Adam spoke to the idea of psychological safety in the workplace, which is a shared belief that the work environment is safe for interpersonal risk-taking.The benefits of employees feeling psychologically safe include:

How can leaders improve Psychological Safety in the workplace?

Dr Adam told us that one of the ways to improve Psychological Safety in the workplace is through Online Mindfulness Training (OMT).OMT has numerous benefits including:

  • Lowering anxiety and stress 

  • Improving resilience at work 

  • Improving conflict management 

  • Fostering psychological wellbeing 

What is OMT?

OMT can be anything from logging onto your Calm App and losing yourself in a guided meditation or listening to a sleep playlist as you drift off to sleep. All these things can help contribute to helping you become a mindful leader.Great leaders know that they can’t do everything on their own and they’re good at finding the right people to help them lead. Effective leaders are humble, accountable and confident, which makes them authentic leaders whom people trust and respect.To learn more about the amazing work UQ Business School is doing, click here!

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