Not everybody handles conflict the same way. While some are confident and assertive, others might want to avoid conflict like it’s contagious. Neither of these sides of the spectrum are definitively right or wrong in their most basic sense. However, taking time to explore the way you personally handle conflict can provide you with the insights you need to engage in more productive discourse.
Take our 2-minute, “What’s Your Conflict Style?” quiz to discover which of the 5 conflict styles most reflects your style.
Now that you have your results, let’s take a look at what it means for you:
Your accommodating nature makes you a reliable and supportive team member. You genuinely care about helping others and solving each and every problem that crosses your desk. However, it’s important to be mindful of the impact this may have on your own well-being and workload. Remember to prioritize your own needs and set boundaries to ensure a healthy balance. By finding ways to be more efficient in managing your time and resources, you can continue to be helpful without sacrificing your own productivity or personal life.
Your tendency to avoid conflict may stem from a desire to maintain harmony and stay within your comfort zone. While this can be beneficial in certain situations, it’s essential to recognize that not all conflicts are negative or detrimental. Engaging in constructive disagreements and addressing issues directly can lead to growth, innovation, and stronger relationships within the team. Practice confidence and communication to express your thoughts and concerns effectively to foster a more dynamic and resilient work environment.
Your collaborative approach encourages an inclusive and participatory work environment. By ensuring that everyone has a voice and actively seeking input from others, you create a sense of ownership and engagement within the team. However, it’s important to balance collaboration with leadership. Taking the initiative to make decisions and guide the team’s direction when needed can help maintain efficiency and progress. Strive to leverage the strengths of both collaboration and leadership to achieve optimal outcomes.
Your competitive nature and assertiveness drive you to excel and achieve outstanding results. Your ability to set clear boundaries and communicate your needs effectively ensures that others respect your time and resources. However, it’s crucial to maintain a balance between assertiveness and approachability. Try to seek input and consider the perspectives of others. By focusing more on teamwork, you can leverage your competitive drive to motivate and inspire others while fostering strong collaboration.
Your dedication to finding common ground and creating win-win solutions is commendable. Your ability to balance the needs and interests of different parties helps maintain positive relationships and collaboration within the team. However, it’s important to be aware that compromising too frequently may not always lead to the most optimal outcomes in the long run. Sometimes, exploring alternative approaches, encouraging creativity, and challenging assumptions can lead to innovative and more effective solutions. By evaluating each situation critically and considering a broader range of possibilities, you can continue to find resolutions that drive greater success for the team and the organization as a whole.
You may find that after you discover your conflict style, you’re not satisfied with how you work through your professional disagreements. But remember – your conflict style isn’t set in stone.
By being aware of how you react to a challenge, you can better adjust and pivot your approach to handling conflict. However, this is only the first step to being a true professional in the face of workplace conflict. For a deeper dive into the intricacies of conflict resolution, check out our program, “Workplace Detox: Eliminate Negativity, Conflict and Drama” and discover proven ways to address and eliminate negativity on your team, whether you’re working in person or remotely.