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Celebrating Office Professional Day at Business Chicks HQ

Celebrating Office Professional Day at Business Chicks HQ


Friday 5 May is Office Professionals Day. It’s the day we pause and celebrate the people that make our lives and companies tick – the ones working behind the scenes to make sure everything runs to schedule, ensuring plans are made and the wheels don’t fall off in the process.

Corporate Traveller, in partnership with leading women’s network Business Chicks, was proud to illuminate the work of these administrative professionals in a vibrant event in Sydney this year. Over 50 people joined us to hear from Jaclyn Reynolds, General Manager – Operations and Customer Success, and other panelists who shared their insights on what it takes to get ahead, find work-life balance and overcome career challenges in a post-COVID world.

Reynolds, who has been with Corporate Traveller for over 24 years said it was the culture of the brand that kept her there, and the work she does with clients that makes her role so rewarding. “We have strong values here at Corporate Traveller and one of the hallmarks of our culture is irreverence. That means that we take our work of serving our customers and ensuring they’re saving time and reducing stress very seriously but we don’t take ourselves too seriously. We believe in also having fun and that’s something we try and instill in every facet of our work”, Reynolds said.

Guests were treated to a lively panel discussion hosted by Grey’s Anatomy’s Azure Antoinette who also works as Business Chicks’ Head of Inclusion, and walked away with prizes and spoils from Corporate Traveller. They also enjoyed networking with their fellow administrative professionals where existing relationships were fostered and new friends were made.

Founder and CEO of Business Chicks, Emma Isaacs, said that the day would always be a celebration of gratitude for the people that need to be acknowledged for their hard work and commitment to Australian businesses. “Business can be challenging and the success of our leaders is dependent on the support networks they have around them. I’ve been blessed over the years to be supported by incredible people that need to be acknowledged as being paramount to efficiency and efficacy in the companies we serve. These people are to be honoured for their contribution to our economy and we were thrilled to partner with Corporate Traveller who also believe in accelerating this industry and receiving the hard-won accolades they deserve”.


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