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How to get your marketing working harder in 2021

How to get your marketing working harder in 2021


Thursday 18 February 2021, 12:30pm-1:30pm AEDT (And available for four weeks after for ticket holders)

Our online events are recorded and available for four weeks, so if you can’t make it live, register anyway we’ll sent you the video later.

Marketing is a key driver of business and, in 2021, more vital than ever. But marketing can be … complicated. Confusing. Overwhelming. And, with budgets extra-tight, it can be hard to know how to get the most bang for your buck.Well, we’re bringing in some marketing big guns to help you: we’ve partnered with our friends at Business Australia for a special masterclass featuring a panel of experts from LinkedIn, Facebook, Google and HubSpot, and an award-winning creative.

In this free masterclass you’ll learn:

  • How to identify the right advertising channel(s) for your business
  • How much you should invest in building a brand or converting sales – and how to make every dollar count
  • The Aussie brands that get it right and what we can learn from them
  • How to make your advertising integrate effectively between social and search
  • What the biggest challenges and trends are in digital advertising right now

Whether you’re growing your business or working for someone else, or you’re a marketing newbie or seasoned player – we guarantee you’ll walk away with insights to help your sales soar (instead of snore) in 2021.

Meet the panel

  • Amy Mills, online sales director at LinkedIn
  • Tabitha Bertron, head of mid-market, lead generation at Google
  • Liam Lucas, vertical lead, professional services at Facebook
  • Kat Warboys, head of marketing ANZ at Hubspot
  • Ant Melder, creative partner at independent creative agency Coffee Cocoa Gunpowder



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