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Jane Cay on tackling ecommerce giants

Jane Cay on tackling ecommerce giants


Wednesday 2 March 1:00pm-2:00pm AEDT (And available for four weeks after for ticket holders)


FREE! That’s right $0 for members and non-members alike!

Event Type

Masterclass Online

All of our Masterclasses are recorded and available for four weeks, so if you can’t make it live, register anyway we’ll sent you the video later.

Wondering where the handbook is for running a small business during a global pandemic? We’re sure it’s sitting in someone’s drafts awaiting shipment into our inbox. Until that notification arrives, Business Chicks and the NSW Treasury are teaming up to bring you Small Business Month throughout March to help guide you. The theme this year is Rebuild, Recharge, Renew- because let’s be honest, it’s not just our routine that needs a bit of a revival.

Let’s flip whatever the hell has happened to small business in the last two years and come back in the spirit of Daft Punk: harder, better, faster, stronger + a little help from the NSW Treasury.

For one month, we’ll be running weekly interviews featuring some fearless women in the small biz arena.

First cab off the rank is the founder of birdsnest, an online fashion business, Jane Cay.



About Jane Cay

It was 2008 when Jane took this country town retail store online, fast forward thirteen years and the business has grown 30 times bigger, with 95% of its revenue relying on the digital economy. They have clocked up over 1 million parcels leaving their nest, all accompanied with a handwritten note to their customer. Jane has been a board member on Jobs for NSW and prior to this she was a founding board member of the National Online Retailers Association. The best bit is Jane gets to live in the slow lane, and work in the fast lane. Her home, where she lives with her sheep farmer and three children, is a 130km round trip for a litre of milk. We can’t wait to put Jane in the hotseat and quiz her about running a successful business.


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