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Understanding you: Strengths Workshop

Understanding you: Strengths Workshop


Friday 12 August 9:00am – 1:00pm AEST


Member $489 / non-member $569 

So, do you know what your top strengths are and why they are worth knowing? They could be game changing in the way you and your team work together. 

An assessment, known as a Gallop Strengths Assessment, concludes we all have five top strengths that influence the way we work. Many organisations (Business Chicks, included!) use this assessment in their team to help individuals understand themselves and their colleagues better. 

After several successful workshops, we’ve decided to bring our strengths workshop back for you to understand what makes you tick and how to get the most from your top 5. 

Everyone who registers for the workshop will complete their assessment prior to the session which will enable you to work through your results with Strengths expert Jes Weiss. 

Jess is the Managing Consultant of Human Tribe, a training and consulting company built to improve the performance of businesses by improving the performance of their people. She is a passionate coach and facilitator who is always looking for what role she can play in the success of individuals and businesses. 

So, what can you expect?  Before the session, you’ll receive instructions on how to complete your strengths assessment and you’ll bring it along with you. 

In the session we’ll cover: 

  • An intro to your Strengths  
  • How to name, claim and aim to work with your top 5 strengths report 
  • Looking at the concept of Theme Dynamics and the idea that Strengths very rarely work in isolation 
  • Your strengths beyond your top 5 
  • How to interact with others considering your strengths in play with theirs

And more! 

Sound good? We think so, too! 

A bit more about Jess 

Jess is the Managing Consultant of Human Tribe, a training and consulting company built to improve the performance of businesses by improving the performance of their people. She is a passionate coach and facilitator who is always looking for what role she can play in the success of individuals and businesses, whether that be around leadership, management, self-awareness, team cohesiveness, personal excellence or any of the other “people stuff”. Jess is accredited in Clifton’s StrengthFinder, Hogan Personality Profiling and Everything DiSC Workplace Behavioural Profiling.  


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